BMW Apple Watch App

May 08, 2015

BMW Apple Watch App

BMW is on top of things. Everything that might have a positive impact upon their vehicles, they look to incorporate for the betterment of not just the vehicle, but for the customer as well. Drivers of their cars want ease, access, comfort, and plenty of smart tech to go along with a gorgeous vehicle doesn’t hurt either. This is why BMW has been paying very close attention to what Apple and other tech companies who are ahead of the game are doing.

BMW App for the Apple Watch

In this case, the focus is on the Apple Watch. Buzz is constantly around the Apple Watch, from its design to its functionality to its price. But for those buying or who already own a BMW, price probably isn’t even much of an issue when it comes to the Apple Watch. Likewise, if you love what Apple does, not much will stop you from pairing the two together.

Thus, BMW has created an app for the Apple Watch. Having a smartwatch strategy in place is an excellent idea since there’s a very good chance people will follow suit in making similar things to the Apple Watch. The app works with the BMW i3 and BMW i8. These electric cars will pass information on to the owner of the watch, letting them know various stats on the car. How much of a charge it has. How close the nearest charging station is. You’ll know whether your windows are up or if your trunk is shut properly. Can’t remember where you parked in a crowded parking lot? Let the watch guide you.

Possibilities abound, so now is the best time to get to a BMW dealer in West Palm Beach, FL and discover all the ways you can not only enjoy a BMW i3 or i8, but also integrate it with an Apple Watch – all while helping the planet by investing in an electric car.

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