BMW Experimental Pop Up Stores

April 22, 2015

BMW pop up store with an i8 inside

BMW is no stranger to experimentation. And they’re also no stranger to appreciating someone with a good idea. For example, Tesla decided to think far outside of the box when it came to selling their cars. They began opening dedicated stores in high-end malls. They themselves took a page out of the Apple store book, creating an area that’s bright, friendly, and enticing people to come in and take a look at the product.

It’s worked well for Tesla so far – so much so that BMW is thinking very hard about doing the same thing. Today’s sales world is awkward and, in many ways, hit and miss. People like to do so many things online – including buying a car – that getting them behind a wheel isn’t necessarily as easy as it used to be. Still, buying a car without trying it out first, or at the very least finding out what it’s like to sit behind the wheel, is fairly awkward. After all, who wants to buy a car if you can’t first sit inside and fiddle with all the controls, feel how it drives, and in general become acquainted with your possible future conveyance?

Thus BMW has created a “Future Retail” strategy, incorporating the concept of pop-up stores, as well as a makeover for all dealerships in the US. The pop-up store leads to a BMW dealership, which can then translate into sales. In fact, one dealership that participated noted a huge increase in sales. When featuring a special edition 5 Series during Black Friday, they simply sold out of the car.

Will the Braman BMW West Palm Beach, FL location be participating? Call to find out, or simply head over to ask. And while you’re there, maybe take a BMW for a test drive. After all, that’s what you’ll want to do after popping into any pop-up store they create!

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