Investing in the Right Electric Car

  • How To Invest in The Right Electric Car If you’ve been looking into 2014 electric cars, then you’re probably wondering which is the best for both your lifestyle and your budget. Each electric car has a little something different to offer depending upon what you need – although even with today’s technology some are going
  • 2015 BMW i8
    New TV Commercials and Test Drive Program Highlight BMW Innovation and Technology BMW has always been a leader in both automotive performance and technology, a leadership position now particularly evident with the introduction of the new all-electric i3 urban commuter vehicle and i8 plug-in hybrid high performance vehicle, now on sale at Braman BMW in Jupiter
  • The Sporty BMW i8 BMW’s forte is luxury cars. But not only are they luxurious, they can also be fast, sporty, stunning, and everything in between. BMW knows how to make cars that draw people to them. Their ingenuity, attention to detail, and unending quest to be the best at what they do has brought
  • The BMW i3 vs Tesla – Who Wins? The stakes are getting higher and higher these days when it comes to electric cars. The BMW i3 and the Tesla are going head to head in the race to make the best and most in demand electric car – whether they intend to or not. It
  • Save Up For a BMW i3

    • October 26, 2014
    Save Up for a New BMW i3 BMW is the kind of car company that makes things people remember. That people yearn for. That people watch when it drives down the street. The BMW i3 falls into that category with no problem. It catches the eye with its unique design, entices people with its eco-friendly
  • Drive Away in a New BMW Electric Car BMW is known for making stand-out cars. Their BMW i3 adheres to the classic aim of BMW to create vehicles that make people look twice, think twice, and realize that behind all the beauty is a true feat of engineering. This is BMW’s serious foray into the
  • BMW’s  i3 Electric Car – Good Use of Alternative Energy In case you haven’t heard by now, BMW is looking ahead to be one of the main pioneers of alternative energy vehicles that people can enjoy on the road. Yet at the same time, they strive to maintain their traditional BMW style – and that
  • The Electric Car? Why Not? The electric car is becoming more and more popular for a wide variety of reasons. First, because it is a desirable car – people want to be able to drive from place to place without making the environment worse. Second, because they are becoming more feasible. Companies are discovering ways
  • Examining The 2014 Electric Cars of The Year Every year brings us more and more electric cars. And every year, these cars get better and better. When it comes to 2014 electric cars, there is a surprising number to choose from. Take a look at some of the cars currently available (or ready for order)
  • BMW i3 vs Tesla Faceoff

    • October 02, 2014
    The BMW i3 vs Tesla Race – The Race Heats Up With The New i3 Many people like to compare the BMW i3 to the Tesla simply due to the fact that both offer some of the most impressive electric car technology since the concept came into being. In fact, each car manufacturer is doing